How do you know if you need to do a Business Rescue?
Are you happy coming to work each day?
Are you proud of the Business
Are you spending enough time with your family?
Do you have enough leisure time?
Are you making enough money for the hours you work?
Is this the Business that you thought you would run when you started the Business?
If you are working 60 -70 hours a week and not loving every minute of it, then you need to think about a Business Rescue.
Once you’ve made that decision, you need to write down the kind of Business you want to run.
How many hours do you want to work?
How much money do you want to make?
What kind of reputation do you want to have?
This is your:
GAP Analysis
Where you are now.
Where you want to be.
What do you need to do to fill that GAP?
You need to take a good hard look at what it is you are doing why you are doing it and how you’re doing it.
Is your vision your mission?
What’s the vision for the Business?
You’ve got to have values and you want to share them and reinforce them.
You’re going to hire the right people because of the fact that they know your culture.
You’re going to retain those key employees for a lot longer because they are in a job that shares the same values
“Okay what we’re going to do is bring everyone around on the journey.” We’re going to provide them with a vision.
If the place is not clean, it’s probably because you’ve got staff there who don’t clean. It’s not part of their culture to make sure that the restaurant is really clean.
Hire slowly and fire quickly. The right people are the people who share your values and they share your goal.
Promote them up because they’re really good at their job, but make sure you find the right spot for them.
Do they know what it is expected of them? Have you actually empowered this person to be able to deal with problem, find solutions and get the desired outcome?
Do they have the right training to be able to do what it is that you need them to do?
What are those processes and does everyone know it?
Business Plan
Your business plan is going to cover a whole heap of things and a lot of it is going to be metric-based.
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
When you start to have KPIs then you’re going to start working towards those KPIs.
You have some really concrete information that you can use to start looking at the business plan.
You really need to understand the P and L (profit and losses) now.
How often do you run a stock take?
Does it appeal to people?
Is this something that’s Instagrammable?
Have you costed it properly?
It’s tough but there’s a lot of people out there who are in the exact same boat as you.
Go back to what it was that you wanted to do when you opened the Business and maybe it’s time to walk away if you’ve got too many things against you.
If you can still see that little tiny bit of that pin prick of light at the end of the tunnel, just go for it.
Write down all of the things that are wrong.
It’s the time and money–they’re the resources that you need to be able to get more time and more money to be able to build the Business that you’ve always wanted.